• CAMP
From 1995 to the present day uninterruptedly. We chose the area of ​​Liébana, in the heart of the Picos de Europa for being a privileged place in terms of climate, landscape, art and people.
The camp is made up of about 100 children, mainly from the area of ​​Siete Villas, about 20 monitors and about 20 support people who are in charge of preparing and setting up the camp first and during the stay of the kitchen, quartermaster, workshops. For 15 days we intend to promote coexistence, promote values, love of nature and show alternatives to the consumer society.

Objectives of the Camp: to make children enjoy and learn in contact with nature and with other children, in an environment different from the one they usually wear.
We attach great importance to the presence, direct or indirect, of adult people. In this way the camp aims to have an integrating force both in the preparation of the camp and in its realization or later revision.

Every so often, taking advantage of the hostel, we meet in this place to watch audiovisual reports, meet people, prepare the departures, organize a camp, etc.

Our association has always been very sensitive to global social problems and we have participated in events such as the march against poverty and in favor of 0.7%, sponsorships in the Dominican Republic and everything that Brezo organizes.
We participate in parish activities (catechesis), courses of hospitaleros of the Camino de Santiago, we support environmental activities with our presence, etc.

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